The Batterer as a Parent and the Change Process for Abusive Men

December 11, 2020 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm America/New York Timezone

The Batterer as a Parent and the Change Process for Abusive Men

Sponsored by Women In Need, Inc.

**Sorry for the inconvenience, but due to popularity of this training, we have reached capacity and had to close registration early. Please stay tuned for any and all upcoming events. Thank you!**

This two-day presentation will take a look at “The Batterer As Parent.” We will establish the profile of men who abuse women, describe the power dynamics and the psychologically poisoned atmosphere that an abuser creates for children in the home. We will examine the impact the batterer has on the parenting of the abused women, and look at “The change Process for Abusive Men.” We will also look at the elements of change, including consequences, education, confrontation, and accountability. A checklist will be reviewed for assessing whether an abuser has made meaningful progress in overcoming his abuse issues, with some explanation of how to detect false claims of change. We will also discuss specific roles professionals can play in contributing to change and accountability for abusers.


Presented By: Lundy Bancroft
Lundy Bancroft has over thirty years’ experience specializing in interventions for abusive men and their families. He has authored six books, including the world’s best seller on domestic violence, Why Does He Do that? And prizewinning professional book The Batterer as Parent. Lundy is the former Training Director of Emerge, the U.S.’s first counseling program for men who batter. He has served extensively as a custody evaluator, child abuse investigator, and expert witness.


December 11 & 18

9:00 AM to 12 PM

This is a FREE virtual presentation.