24-Hour Hotline 717-264-4444 or 800-621-6660

Media Information

This page is intended for media outlets to learn more about WIN Victim Services and the issues.
For more in depth information, visit our services or resources pages.

About WIN Victim Services

WIN Victim Services is a domestic violence and rape crisis center that has been serving Franklin and Fulton counties in Pennsylvania for over 40 years. WIN is part of a network of agencies throughout the state and country that serves victims of intimate partner violence and sexual violence.

Services include an emergency shelter for women, men, and children fleeing intimate partner violence, individual and group counseling, assistance with filing for Protection From Abuse orders (PFAs), medical and legal advocacy and accompaniment, and prevention education.

Direct Quotes or Interviews

For a direct quote or interview regarding a specific event or issue, please call our business line at 717-264-3056.
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