24-Hour Hotline 717-264-4444 or 800-621-6660

Support Groups

What are Support Groups?

WIN Victim Services’ support groups offer a safe space for group members to share feelings and empower one another. Group topics vary based on the needs of the clients and the types of trauma they have experienced.

Support Group counseling is offered to anyone who has been the victim of domestic or sexual violence, or has been affected by the victimization of a friend or family member. Each support group is facilitated by a trained WIN counselor.

Browse the current and future support groups being offered:

Domestic Violence Recovery (Age 18+)
Every other Wednesday at 5:30-7:30pm

Sexual Assault Recovery (Age 18+)
Every other Wednesday at 5:30-7:30pm
Monday, November 13th – Space is limited
All of our groups are closed to protect participants. If you are interested in joining any of our groups, please call us at 717-264-4444, email the counselor listed on the corresponding flyer, or complete the form below.

"*" indicates required fields

May we contact you at this email?*
May we contact you at this number?*
Is it safe to leave a voicemail?*
Is it safe to use our organization name, WIN Victim Services?*
Which Topics Are You Interested In? (check all that apply)*
WIN does not provide Batterer’s Intervention Groups. To learn more about AMEND, the local group for violent and abusive men, please call (717) 480-0489 or email AMEND@dvscp.org.